Types of Dogs – the Most Popular and Loved Pets in the World

Types of Dogs

Dogs are our best friends. Be it loyalty, care, or selfless love, and they score well in every category where humans majorly have bad experiences. Besides, an all-time alert and active guard safeguarding your house, dogs make the best companion for kids. You will not even realize when they would have acquired such an essential place in your heart and home and became a family member. Though all dogs are unique and deserve love and care, yet some types of dogs are especially preferred.

With the constant spread of awareness about dogs and other animals among people, their popularity has increased than ever before, with an increase in dogs’ breeds significantly. Wondering what people look for in a dog? Well, some of the attributes that people look for in a dog breed are:

  • Ease of training
  • Looks
  • Whether suitable or not for a family having children
  • Guarding ability for the house premises

Factors making different types of dogs popular

Numerable factors are responsible for the popularity of diverse types of dogs, so it’s hard to mention only one. Despite some drawbacks, some dog breeds are still popular. According to various studies about dog choices, the attributes discussed above of dogs do not comprise the list of attributes entirely. When people buy a dog, they consider many other qualities too. Dog breeds are mostly chosen based on their looks and size. In other words, people look for fierceness and cuteness at the same time while they don’t have any regard for the breed’s significant characteristics.

Out of the top 10 types of dogs breeds, three dog breeds score lower when it comes to ‘easy training’:

  • The Schnauzer
  • The Chihuahua, and
  • The Dachshund

People like Dachshund due to his fearsome looks while the rest of the two are preferred for their cute appeal. However, there are some dark sides too of these breeds. People choosing them don’t have a single thought of behavioral issues with these breeds. All three types of dogs are fearful in front of strangers and dogs as well. With extreme touch sensitivity, they also possess rivalry with dogs that are new for them. When it is about aggression, The Dachshund and The Schnauzer are highly aggressive, and so is their score in dog aggression. Yet size and looks altogether make these types of dog breeds popular more than you would expect.

Apart from the looks, popular movies also contribute to the changing preferences among people for various types of dogs. For instance, it may seem an unexpected factor, though, yet popular videos hugely affect dog breeds popularity for about ten years post the time of film release. Some of the famous dog movies are:

  • Lassie come home
  • The Shaggy dog
  • 101 Dalmatians

It is essential to know here that at the end of the day, it’s the owner who chooses the dog. If it is a movie that affects his decision, and he wants accordingly, so be it. But it doesn’t mean at all that if a person buys a dog after seeing a popular dog movie, the breed will exhibit the valuable traits of dogs. Overall, it is quite evident that for buyers, it doesn’t matter that which one of the types of dogs has better behavior, stays healthy, or lives longer. It is also strange that some unhealthy dog breeds remain in demand even after this drawback.

One of the other factors that affect popularity is the country they are found in. Suppose a particular dog breed is located in a country with a vast population, then it will hike the numbers in favor of that specific breed irrelative of the fact that the breed is not known well other than the country. In a gist, there are uncountable factors to determine the popularity of different types of dogs compared to others. But a standard criterion to discover it is a statistic showing how many dogs are registered/breed.

Here is a detailed description of dog breeds.

Different types of dogs groups

Dogs sharing similar traits/s fall under a specific breed group. The primary purpose behind these dog groups to showcase dog breeds in dog shows. Eventually, sorting and judging their category becomes easy.

 1. Working dog group

These types of dogs are bred to be included as work or guard dogs. Here, work dogs refer to those dogs used to pull sleds. They also rescue dogs, especially for water environments. Due to their enormous size and tremendous strength, they are less preferred for usual families. There’s a huge demand for proper training, work, and exercise for their all-round development and well-being.

e.g., Doberman, Siberian Husky, and Great Dane

2. Sporting dog group

The sporting dogs are bred for hunting purposes. The dogs categorized under this group love water and field activities. The daily vigorous exercise routine is mandatory for them; otherwise, they probably can’t be fit for ordinary families.

3. Non-sporting dog group

In this group, it contains types of dogs that are not suitable to fit in any of the above categories. In the non-sporting dog group, the dog breeds included are:

  • The Chow Chow
  • The Keeshond
  • The Dalmatian
  • The French Bulldog
  • Poodle, and
  • The Lhasa Apso

4. Toy dog groups

As the name signifies itself, the dogs in this category are tiny in size and look delightfully adorable. However, their traits are not as appealing as their looks. By nature, they are adamant and fierce. Probably, it is a self-defense ability given by mother nature. Looking just like a live dog, they are popular among city dwellers and don’t need much space for physical activities and exercise.

5. Herding dog group

The dogs of this group are herders by their instinct, such as Corgi. They are capable of driving an entire heard of cattle, irrespective of the size of the heard. Since their herding instinct isn’t removable entirely through training, they sometimes try to herd children of the family in their home.

6. Hound dog group

As the title suggests, the types of dogs in these groups are pure hunters. Having a powerful smell sense, they can trail the prey before attempting to run towards it with their complete stamina, which is incredibly huge. Hounds usually bay instead of barking. If it doesn’t appeal to you, think twice before making a hound your family member.

7. Terrier dog group

The dogs in the terrier group have their personality. Some of their traits include:

  • They are energetic
  • They are determinant
  • Intolerant towards other dogs

Always ready for a heated argument, they make up the best for a family who can keep up with the lively characteristics of terrier dogs.

Types of dogs

Besides, the above dog categories, here are some types of dogs under those categories.

1. Labrador Retriever

The Labrador retriever falls in the sporting dog group category. With extraordinarily affectionate and friendly nature, they make up the best for family pets. They just adore human company with an even temperament. You can witness his enthusiasm while rubbing his tummy and stroking. Though a Labrador retriever is highly playful but isn’t the right choice if you are looking for a guard dog. Easy to train, the Labrador retriever is brilliant and quickly grasps the commands and learns them.

2. German Shepherd

The German shepherd is a hunting dog breed and can be seen in military institutions and police forces as well. Having a strong, loyal, and brave heart, German Shepherd is also very intelligent and has incredible grasping powers to learn the commands. He is also physically active to a great extent. However, the owner should set some boundaries and make sure that the dog is well-aware of the fact that who’s in charge. Failing to do so, he might assume that he’s the in charge.

3. Poodle

A poodle is non-sporting with an energetic and robust personality. It’s better not to be mistaken by its cutesy and lovey-dovey appearance. He is extremely playful and loves to swim. It is another dog breed that is quite intelligent when it comes to training then. He mixes with humans as well as with other similar dogs quite well.

4. Chihuahua

Due to their small size, they are right to be categorized under the toy dog group. Although he is confident, but is also quick-tempered. He is always ready to take on possibly anything of even five times his size. Be it a stranger or another dog, and one should stay cautious of its quick temper. If he would feel that he is harassed or teased, it shouldn’t shock you if he nips at you. He responds gently towards human affection. He can make an excellent guard dog because of Chihuahuas bark at everything. However, it isn’t easy to train them due to their aggressive side. So you need to be patient while training him as he learns slowly as compared to different types of dogs breed.

5. Golden Retriever

Just like the Labrador retriever, the golden retriever is also a member of the sporting dog group. Filled with love, playfulness, the golden retriever quickly gets along with you and everyone else, including other dogs. Having a lot of patience, he can’t be irritated easily, and therefore, he is the best companion for your children. His high energy indicates top scores in swimming, running, and playing for long hours. Irrespective of the fact that he is playful, he is a brilliant learner and picks up commands quickly. So it is convenient to train him efficiently.

6. Yorkshire Terrier

Here’s again a toy dog group member with an impressive personality. His size should not misguide you as he can fight with anyone, and nothing scares him. He is always energetic, alert, and ready to play. Taking well will humans, he also mixes well with strangers coming to your house. Yet, he becomes wary and aggressive at times. In comparison to some of the brilliant learners like a German shepherd and Golden or Labrador retriever, it is a little bit difficult to teach a Yorkshire terrier. As he picks up commands quite reasonably, so it isn’t a very cumbersome task to train him.

7. Dachshund

One of the different types of dogs in the hound group, the Dachshund is a hunter by its temperament and chases anything running away from him. Having an independent mind, he usually bonds tightly with one of the family members rather than the whole pack. As he chases everything running away, it suggests that he is playful and will track the ball you’ll throw. He also mixes well with the children, provided the fact they don’t provoke him by any means. His independent-mindedness indicates that he isn’t much susceptible to taking instructions. Though he learns commands, it takes him a little bit longer compared with other breeds.

8. Beagle

A beagle is a dog of a hound group, and thus his nose drives him. You can’t stop him by any means if picked up any pleasing scent. Until he unleashes it, he will keep wandering off for exploring it out. Though a beagle is a territorial dog, yet he is very playful and quite sensitive towards the human. He makes up for a loving companion for your family.

One of the dogs breeds challenging to train. Beagle doesn’t grasp new commands easily and quickly. Whatever the training standard is, it will surely take some of your time to teach him.

9. Boxer

The boxer is a member of the working dog group. Therefore, he is very energetic, lively, and playful. His nature is affectionate, and he enjoys his family’s attention towards him. He gently mixes well with the family members. But boxers are notorious as they might knock over your plants, precious ornaments, and even little children. In spite of all this, a boxer is fearless, guards and protects his family fiercely. Relatively, a boxer is more comfortable to train. Though he is not one of the quickest learners among other dog breeds yet, with some of your patience, he picks up new commands and follows the same quickly.

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