Bluestacks 3 Download For PC

bluestacks 3 download for pc

Bluestacks App Player is the first and most popular Android emulator that enables windows users to play Android games, run Android Apps on their PC, which is run on Windows. This is one of the fastest and most used emulators all over the world. In July 2017, Blustacks had introduced their new version of Bluestacks 3 download for PC. With a massive upgrade and a new powerful new engine and a slick interface, many users’ hearts have won. Here we’ll discuss Bluestacks 3download for PC.

What Is An Android Emulator

An Android emulator is a tool that simulates Android devices on your PC so that you can run and test Android applications on a variety of devices and Android API levels even without any physical device. In a word, an Android emulator creates virtual Android devices on your computer.

The emulator provides almost all the capabilities of real Android devices. When you’re using an Android emulator on your PC, you can simulate incoming phone calls and text messages. Moreover, you can specify the device’s location, simulate different network speeds, simulate rotation and other hardware sensors.

Testing your app on any emulator is faster and easier in some ways than doing it on a physical device. You can choose Blusestacks 3 download for PC for that type of test. This can be the best choice for your windows computer because you can even transfer data faster to the emulator than a device connected over USB. Moreover, the predefined configurations for various Android phones, tablets, wear OS, and Android TV devices will charm you.

Is Blusestacks 3 Download for PC Safe?

Well, if you’re asking for a single answer, then the answer must be Yes. It is safe to download and run on your PC. However, before downloading Bluestacks 3 for PC, you need to know where you are downloading the emulator. The source of the emulator determines the safety of the emulator.

Bluestacks is a 100% trusted source. Although to make sure that you are downloading from a safe place, you should have double-checked the URL for any irregularities. If you see a spelling mistake or a URL that doesn’t look familiar, then you might need to close the window and look for another reliable source.

However, your browser may warn you when you’re going to access any unsafe site. If you see that type of warning, then move away from the site.

What Is in Bluestacks 3 Download for PC 

At present, Bluestacks has its latest version Bluestacks 5 Beta. The upgraded and smooth multitasking feature with multi-instance has made Bluestacks 3 download for PC more popular among Android lovers who wish to run Android apps on their PC. Blusestacks 3 added App center to personalize game suggestions, an accounting system, chat,, and a new keymapping interface. However, the interesting fact is that you can run multiple Blusestacks windows from the same or different Google play accounts.

Key Features of Bluestacks 3 Download for PC

App Center- The new App center feature will give you the newest and most popular games. Other gamers mostly play these games.

Gift Center- The gift center feature offers users to find special skins, characters, gold, gems, and many more gifts across hundreds of games.

Bluestacks Select-  This feature will help users get exclusive gifts, content, and other necessary items directly from game developers.

Bluestacks Friends- This impressive built-in chat app will help you to interact with other gamers. This will help you to chat with friends about your strategies and progress faster in your games.

Gaming Platform- Bluestacks 3 download for PC will offer you a world-class gaming platform, which mainly uses patented Hyper-G graphics APIs and allows you to play at maximum resolution with a high-quality display and refresh rates.

Multi-Instance- This upgraded feature makes Bluestacks 3 down for PC more popular among users. It helps users to create separate instances for every person using a computer. Because of this, everyone will be able to play different games on different Bluestacks instances without any interference.

Minimum Requirements for Bluestacks 3 Download for PC

Currently, Bluestacks 3 has a minimum requirement to run on Windows PC. Blusestacks 3 download for PC need windows seven or higher along with 2 GB or higher system memory(RAM). Moreover, users need a minimum of 5GB of space left on the hard drive, administrator right, and an Intel or AMD processor. However, Blusestacks often clashes with Bitdefender antivirus software. You might need an update to the latest graphic card driver version, so it is recommended. The satisfying fact is that Bluestacks 3 download for PC is free.

Instructions for Bluestacks 3 Download for PC 

Here are some important instructions for Bluestacks 3 download for PC.

  • At first, you need to download an EXE file that supports Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10.
  • The original size of that EXE file is 415MB since you should make sure that you have a fast and stable internet connection. You can download with a cellular or wifi network, but the main thing is to ensure that the connection won’t be interrupted.
  • When the file is downloaded, double click on it. It will take a few minutes from there to complete the installation process.
  • However, at the end of all necessary instructions, you have accepted all the terms and conditions. Finally, press install then you’ll find a Blustacks App shortcut on the home screen.

Why You Should Have Bluestacks 3 Download for PC

From the beginning of 2014, people are moving from PC to smartphone. Now internet surfing is not only the matter of sitting in front of the computer or laptop. The popularity of smartphones has reached another level. Thus, people connect, post status updates, and gaming through their smartphones while they’re on the go.

The advanced gaming technology and easy gaming experience of mobile gaming often attract even PC users. Since Android emulators like Bluestacks come across, an Android emulator’s use to play the mobile game on windows may seem like swimming against the tide. Nevertheless, the number of people using Android emulators is increasing day by day. Let’s have a look at the reasons why you should have Bluestacks 3 download for PC.

Bigger Screen- 

Bluestacks 3 download for PC will help you get your head up and give you a bigger screen than smartphone devices. You might know that the constant staring at your phone is bad for your spine because people tend to tilt down their neck. This type of posture is not good for your health as well as for your outlook. On the other hand, swiping your gaming moments from a mobile device to the big screen of a PC will offer you a better display and keep your posture straight. However, you should have a good quality chair that’s orthopedically not harmful. Moreover, the Bluestacks Android emulator will help you to increase your accuracy while clicking on games. One thing we must say, the chatting experience with the keyboard of the PC is more efficient.

Battery Saving- 

You’re playing your favorite Android games on PC and letting your phone take some rest. It’s clear that thus your phone’s battery is saving as well as it’s getting an extended life. We know that cell phone batteries are small in size and light as well for portability. However, these features affect the lasting time. If you’re an extensive gamer, then it might be going to heat your phone and burn out the power very quickly. You may not want to lose a battle just because of less power and shutting down your phone itself at the very last minute. In conclusion, the Bluestacks Android emulator can keep you free from worrying about the power supply. The Bluestaks 3 download for PC will let your playlist go on or stay connected in your favorite game as long as you need.

Multitasking and Multiple Gaming Accounts-

The most interesting fact of Bluestacks 3 download for PC is that it will open the door to the ultimate multitasking experience. It will let you watch a video on any video-sharing app without interrupting your conversation on WhatsApp, or you have multiple gaming accounts online at the same time. This is quite amazing, right? On Bluestacks, you could run multiple Android Apps concurrently on your PC screen. You’ll be able to run any game, watch a video on the other and keep an eye on Whatsapp or Messenger conversation simultaneously on that big PC screen. 

It Fills The Absence Of Android Device- 

Bluestacks 3 download for PC will provide you a workaround if you don’t have an Android device at all. The advanced graphics and upgraded features of the modern game can make you feel badly the absence of an Android device. However, the Bluestacks Android emulator can remove that feeling. While the upgraded graphics and display demands high-end mobile for smooth running. Bluestacks can save your budget by replacing your current phone. You don’t need to run for those premium high-budget smartphones anymore. 

Have Access to Every Android App

With the advanced technology of smartphones and mobile networks, many great apps can fill all sorts of needs pops up accordingly. However, some apps can only run on smartphones. These apps are designed for mobile-only. Then what about if you don’t have a smartphone? Or you want to use those apps more traditionally. Don’t worry; Bluestacks Android emulator is here for you. 

No More Lagging-  Say goodbye to lags. No matter how high resolution or heavy the Android is, you don’t have to worry about your phone’s specifications at all. With Bluestacks 3 download for PC, you’ll be able to play the games you want to play without experiencing any lag or work seamlessly on apps that require more power to run properly. 

Bluestacks Rooting Steps

When you’ve rooted an Android operating system, you can have access and modify system files. This will let you gain system permissions for third-party apps that do not come pre-installed on the phone. Third-party apps are then allowed to modify system files also. 

However, using a rooted Bluestacks, you can run penetration testing software like wifi hackers and packet sniffers developed for Android. You can also edit app data and use cheats for mobile games on your computer. Let’s have a look at steps for rooting Bluestacks 3 

  • At first, you need to extract the downloaded file.
  • Then open Blustacks Tweaker.exe.
  • Start Blusestacks from the main tab. This is only when it is not already started.
  • Now, wait for Bluestacks to start completely.
  • After starting, go to the Helpers tab in BS Tweaker, where you’ll see the Root for Bluestacks option.
  • Now click on Patch, and your Bluestacks is rooted. However, you still need to install Supersu 2.79.
  • If you don’t find the patch option, you should check for an unlock option. So full stop BS from main, and unlock then again start the Bluestacks and Patch for root. 
  • Now your Bluestacks is completely rooted. You can check root status with the root checker app available at the play store. If you want to update SuperSU now, you can do so. 

How to Resume PUBG Mobile After Crashing It

If your PUBG mobile game is crashing when you’re trying to log in using your Facebook account, you can install the Facebook app on Bluestacks and then try logging in to PUBG with Facebook. This process will enable you to use your Facebook login for PUBG mobile. 

However, if you want to upgrade your Bluestacks 3 anytime, you can check any trusted link. The upgraded versions of Bluestacks will let you experience more advanced features. Enjoy Bluestacks 3 on your PC until it creates an issue. Before Bluestacks 3 downloads for PC, make sure your computer has minimum requirements for Bluestacks 3. Please use the software wisely, don’t make any misuse the apps.