The Health Benefits of Seaweed for People with Thyroid Problems

Health Benefits of Seaweed

We mostly rely on fruits, vegetables, and grains to get rid of the thyroid problems that affect our daily productivity. Sea plants are quite overlooked. Be it kelp, nori, dulse, or kombu, we are not really aware of the variety of health benefits they provide in addition to helping with thyroid problems. Although some people prefer going to their nearest pharmacy like Walgreens to buy supplements that help cope with their thyroid problems and also have a chance to win gift cards and vouchers by filling out a Walgreens survey. However, getting essential nutrients and iodine in your body organically is pretty beneficial with fewer side effects. Here are details on the health benefits of seaweed for people with thyroid problems.

What is Seaweed?

Seaweed is an umbrella term for the underwater vegetables that are found in oceans, rivers, and lakes and mostly along the rocky coastlines. They absorb plenty of sea nutrients and contain many health benefits that help with thyroid and digestive function and weight loss. They vary in color from brown to red and green to black depending on the season and location they grow in. Some common seaweeds that people use are as follows:

  • Nori
  • Wakame
  • Kombu
  • Dulse
  • Kelp
  • Spirulina and chlorella  

Is Seaweed Healthy?

The nutritional value depends on each type of seaweed and they may vary accordingly. However, seaweed is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals without adding numerous calories to your diet. Some of them even contain antioxidants that help reduce inflammation in your body and prevent cell and tissue damage. Generally, it contains the following nutrients:

  • Protein
  • Carbohydrates
  • Fiber
  • Minerals
  • Vitamin A, B, C, and E
  • Iron
  • Iodine
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids

Benefits of Seaweed for Thyroid Function

Your thyroid gland regulates the vital functions of your body as well as metabolism. Metabolism is the process that converts food into energy. You use this energy to think, work, eat, walk and grow. The problem starts when your thyroid produces more (called ‘hyperthyroidism’) or less (called ‘hypothyroidism’) thyroid hormones than the normal level.

One of the major causes of hypothyroidism is the deficiency of iodine in your body. As seaweed is very rich in iodine, it can help to balance your iodine level and prevent hypothyroidism.    

The iodine content varies according to the location and species of seaweeds. According to research, the highest content of iodine is found in kombu, followed by wakame and nori. You can even find kelp powder from your nearest store as it not only enhances the flavor and texture of your food but is also a major source of iodine.  

If you suffer from hyperthyroidism, it means your thyroid gland is overactive, and you should avoid iodine-rich foods as they will worsen the conditions.  

It May Also Help With Diabetes

People with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing thyroid disease. Foods that are rich in fiber may help with diabetes because fiber helps to control blood glucose and insulin levels in your body. As seaweed is an excellent source of fiber, adding seaweed to your diet will reduce the diabetes risk factor and in return will keep your thyroid gland functioning normally.