Guidance for Air Travel Through the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis

Air Travel Through the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis

In October last year, more than one million passengers were screened by the Transportation Security Administration in 24 hours. This is recorded as the highest number of travelers to pass through several airports since the pandemic began. While seeing many people traveling again is relieving, the Transportation Security Administration wants travelers to stay secure and healthy till they arrive at their destination. To help people who’ll be traveling by air, here are a few effective tips that will help you as a guidance for Air Travel safely during the pandemic.

1. Wash your hands regularly

You need to wash your hands with soap and water regularly. Also, carry wipes and sanitizers with you. You can carry a liquid sanitizer in carry-on bags. Since most containers exceed the set allowance permitted through the airport checkpoints, they will need to be checked separately. This will add a couple of minutes to the screening experience. Keep in mind that all gels, liquids, and aerosols brought to the airport are limited to 3.4 ounces. Carry your wipes too. Travelers are allowed to carry anti-bacterial and alcohol wipes in checked or carry-on luggage. Hand wipes are also allowed in checked or carry-on luggage.

2. Wear your mask

All travel officers wear masks. And travelers must wear masks to help in preventing the spread of COVID-19. You should wear a mask during the screening process. However, officers might ask you to adjust your mask to confirm your identity visually. Or if the mask prevents a successful screening process. If a traveler does not wear a mask and it triggers an alarm, an officer will offer you a mask. According to the CDC, masks help in the management of COVID-19. That’s why most people in the airport wear masks and so should you.

3. Social distancing is key

You need to maintain social distance everywhere, especially when traveling. There are lots of procedures in place to encourage social distancing. Passengers should do everything in their power to practice social distancing. It doesn’t matter if it’s the queue, as you collect items or while collecting thrown items during the screening process, airports use floor decals and post signs to remind travelers to maintain social distance.

4. Pack smart

Another important thing that you can do to minimize contact at checkpoints is smart packing. You need to keep in mind that you can’t travel with prohibited items. You can save time by checking some travel tips from paper writing service reviews, while creating your packing list. Know what you’ve carried in your bags and ensure there are no items that have been prohibited inside your bag before reaching the checkpoint. If your bags trigger an alarm, remove all items that have been prohibited and go back to the starting point to have your bags rerun through the machines.

5. Put food in plastic bags

If you’ll travel with food, It’s best to pack it in a clear plastic bag and place it inside your carry-on bag. Once you get to the checkpoint, remove the plastic bag from your carry-on bag and place it into the bin to reduce the risk of contamination. Why should you remove the plastic bag containing your food? Because food items usually trigger an alarm. And you don’t want an officer to open your bag forcibly to check what triggered the alarm. By removing the bag, you reduce the chances of all your bags being searched.

6. Empty your pockets

As always, travelers need to remove items from their pockets before reaching the checkpoint scanner. Since we are in the middle of a pandemic, you need to take items from your pockets and put them in your carry-on bag instead of the bin. This reduces the risk of being touched which in turn minimizes the risk of catching the virus.

7. Don’t worry about your license

If you need to use your driver’s license as your ID at the airport checkpoint, you shouldn’t fret if it has expired. If your state-issued ID or driver’s license has expired and you can’t renew it at the licensed agency for some reason, you should use it as your ID at the airport without any issues. TSA accepts expired state-issued IDs and driver’s licenses a year after the date of expiration although an additional ID might be needed along with screening. After you get your license renewed, you should consider getting a compliant driver’s license.

8. TSA Pre-check is essential

You need to enroll in TSA PreCheck to continue being eligible for screening procedures that are expedited. This means that you won’t have to remove your belts, shoes, or jackets. You can also leave your electronics, laptops, and food items in your bag. And this will reduce the touchpoints at the airport. During the pandemic, TSA PreCheck is worth your time and money.

9. Make preparations before arriving

TSA has a page dedicated to the coronavirus disease on its page that you can review before going to the airport. As Martin Cane says, the security specialist from the dissertation service, you shouldn’t forget to download the TSA app to your smartphone. You will easily access airport security information on your mobile device. Doing this will help you save money and time with important security tips including items that are allowed or prohibited in your bags.

10. Everything is clean

Frontline employees have been guided on how to conduct routine cleaning and disinfection of security cleaning equipment and frequently touched surfaces. Most airport authorities are also cleaning bins and security checkpoints. Passengers who don’t want to place their items in the bin due to cross-contamination should consider carrying a plastic trash bag to place at the bottom of the bin before putting their belongings.

11. Follow the guidelines

You need to follow the travel guidance issued by CDC regarding COVID-19. These guidelines include:

  • Avoiding crowds and poorly ventilated areas
  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least twenty seconds especially if you’ve blown your nose, coughed, sneezed, and interacted with people. You also need to wash your hands before preparing food, after leaving a public space, after touching an animal, and after handling your mask. You should always use a hand sanitizer that has 60 percent alcohol. You should avoid touching your face and eyes with unclean hands.
  • Disinfect touched surfaces regularly. These include doorknobs, tables, handles, toilets, desks, phones, and countertops to name a few. If someone in your household has tested positive for COVID-19, you should disinfect frequently touched surfaces and seek medical help.
  • Monitor your health. Some of the symptoms of COVID-19 include shortness of breath, fever, and cough. If you notice any of the symptoms above, you should seek medical attention immediately. Notify all those who’ve been around you in the last few days for them to get tested.


The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our world. And this has had a major impact on our lives. Most people around the world are stressed and overwhelmed due to financial crises and isolation. You need to learn how to cope with stress and become resilient. As you air travel, you need to exercise caution and follow the tips that we’ve discussed to avoid getting infected.