Is Marijuana Safe? What You Need To Know

Is Marijuana Safe

While there are no documented deaths related to marijuana overdose, it doesn’t mean that you should not exercise caution regarding its use. In this article, you will get to know about is marijuana safe? what you need to know.

A lot of the marijuana packaging you see may lack information regarding its proper use. Even if it does display precautionary warnings, it tends to be insufficient to give a heads-up to eager users. Thus, even though marijuana is relatively safe, it still pays to exercise caution when intaking any of its variants. 

The risk of overuse and addiction (also known as “cannabis use disorder” in medical circles) is amplified by the popular misconception that marijuana is harmless: Even though many marijuana users believe that what they’re doing won’t harm them, they’re much more likely to develop a habit of using the substance on a regular basis.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine published the most comprehensive review of the research to date, finding that marijuana has a number of potential drawbacks, including respiratory problems if smoked, schizophrenia and psychosis, car accidents, general social achievement in life, and potentially babies in the womb.

Because there is a link between marijuana usage and the use of more harmful drugs like cocaine and heroin, opponents of legalization argue that marijuana is a “gateway drug” that can lead people to attempt more dangerous substances like cocaine and heroin. However, researchers say that this link could simply reflect that those who are predisposed to drug use start with marijuana because it is the cheapest and easiest to obtain.

Given that the risks of marijuana appear to be minor, proponents believe that the benefits of reduced incarceration and the crippling of violent drug cartels supported in part by illicit weed sales outweigh the costs of legalization.

Possible Risks of Marijuana Use

Knowing the risks of marijuana use will help you make a grounded decision. Read on to find out what they are!

Heart Health

When you inhale marijuana smoke, your heart rate increases, requiring your heart to work harder. These effects, which can last up to three hours and begin within 15 minutes, raise your risk of a heart attack. In fact, evidence reveals that during the first hour after smoking marijuana, your risk of heart attack increases by up to fivefold. 

Marijuana’s compounds have also been linked to an increased risk of heart failure and atrial fibrillation, a heart rhythm problem. When compared to those who do not use the drug, frequent marijuana usage among young people is connected to an elevated risk of stroke.

Brain Health

The euphoric element in marijuana, delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), binds to cannabinoid receptors in the brain. Pleasure, memory, cognition, concentration, sensory and time perception, and coordinated movement are all influenced by these receptors, which connect to nerves in the brain. 

Marijuana usage has been associated in multiple studies to an increased risk of the following psychotic symptoms:

  • Hallucinations
  • Disorientation
  • Delusions

Bone Health

The risk of bone-related health problems increases when bone density decreases.

Heavy marijuana usage on a regular basis, according to a 2017 study, may diminish bone density. Researchers discovered that heavy marijuana users (those who used marijuana more than 5,000 times in their lifetime) had a 5% poorer bone density than those who did not use marijuana at all. 

Other research, on the other hand, suggests that THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids can speed up bone healing and strengthen bones after a fracture.

We hope that this article was able to shed some light on the other side of marijuana use. As with any other drug, knowing both the benefits and risks will help you make an informed decision. Let us know if you have any questions in the comments!