Liver Issues Caused by Elmiron

Liver Issues

Elmiron is a drug that is used to treat Interstitial Cystitis and Liver Issues. Interstitial Cystitis is a condition that affects the bladder. It comes when an individual starts to experience a lot of pain in the bladder. The diagnosis from the doctors is usually interstitial cystitis and is very treatable. Now here is where the drug Elmiron comes in. The patient has been prescribed the medicine and how long they need to take up the medication.

The Elmiron drug contains a variety of compounds in it. A capsule is 100mg, but it’s very powerful and works faster. The compounds include Pentosan polysulfate, magnesium stearate, and microcrystalline cellulose. Black iron oxide is also included in the tablet.

When taking any medication, your body may react in a way that is not normal to you. This body’s reaction is the side effects caused by the ingredients in the medicine. This Elmiron drug has its side effects. The side effect includes; stomach upset, hair loss, nausea, abdominal pains, just to mention a few. Note that the side effects may differ from one person to another. This is because our bodies are different; thus, the side effects become different.

The doctor should guide you further and draw to your attention that if you get any severe side effects such as shortness of breath or blood appearing on the stool, you need to go to the doctor for a check-up. Usage of Elmiron may cause damage to 

The liver is the best, and nearly the largest organ in the body can also be affected by the intake of Elmiron drugs. The liver filters toxic substances in the body, destroying viruses and bacteria to damage the body cells. The liver has the most immune system warriors in it. It is usually armed to destroy germs/bacteria found in the food we consume. You may sometimes consume food that may not be handled well, but the liver is ready to fight back. In this case, that’s why you need to have a healthy liver and Liver Issues.

This liver issue caused by Elmiron drug happens to 6 out 51 patients on medication; it is approximately 11.8% of the patients. This is the duration required for a patient to be on the drug. This duration is roughly 6-8 weeks after starting the medication. The side effects decrease as the patient gets used to the drug.

There is a Lawsuit that caters to the damage caused by the Elmiron drug. The lawsuit mostly deals with vision problems, retina damage, and maculopathy. The Lawsuit makes sure the affected patient is fully compensated. The payment settlement mostly depends on the level of damage the patient has suffered. The patients are well catered for in the Lawsuit by the authorized persons. The drug needs to be taken as instructed by the doctor to avoid any overdosage that can lead to permanent.

The doctor follows instructions and asks questions to avoid any complications and misunderstandings afterward when given any medication.