5 Factors To Choose the Right Tile For Your Kitchen

5 Factors To Choose the Right Tile For Your Kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in the house and the options are vast when designing it. You may be doing a full installation or a refurbishment. Whatever the case, it can be quite difficult to choose the perfect option.

The design and style of your kitchen are very important and in most cases, you only have one shot to get it right. Thus, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of color swatches, samples, and texture choices.

What floor tiles you use is of course very important. That’s because of their ability to tie a room together. It’s also necessary that you choose the right kitchen tiles for backsplash. That’s because both the walls and floors need to be in good harmony for a better looking space.

As the floor tiles protect the floor and transform the look of your space, the kitchen backsplash tile will protect the wall behind the countertop. This will ensure that spilled liquid doesn’t run down the back of the countertop. They also protect the wall from food stains.

Backsplash tiles will also add aesthetic value to the kitchen design, and give is a finished look. Along with the choice of color, both the floor and walls will give your kitchen a great impact on its overall look. 

How To Choose The Right Tile For Your Kitchen

Having the best floor tiles for your kitchen can make all the difference in your home. There are a lot of top quality products in the market, all with the potential of transforming your kitchen. The challenge comes in when choosing the right tiles, which is why we have this article to help you. Keep reading to learn more.

Source: Pexels

  1. Kitchen Space and Style

If you’re building your kitchen from scratch, you probably have a kitchen style in mind. If you’re carrying out renovations, you might be working with some style elements. Or maybe you simply want to freshen up what you already have. Before selecting new tiles, think about whether you want a modern, contemporary, or industrial look.

Ensure that you base your tiles off the overall style, including the layout of the kitchen. There’s no problem with liking a particular style of tiles. However, you shouldn’t ignore this information and buy any tiles that you want. If your kitchen is small, use a tile style and layout to add a spacious effect.

It’s also important that you determine when exactly to place the new tiles. Are you considering making kitchen backsplash tiles or would you rather focus on the floor? With some beautiful tiles, you will create an amazing statement backsplash to add a unique touch to your kitchen.

  1. Tile Size and Shapes

If you’re able to shop for the best tiles for your kitchen floor, be sure to keep their size and shape in mind. If it’s a small kitchen, go for large tiles and less grouting. This will cause the kitchen to feel more spacious.

If you’re on a small budget, steer clear of small tiles. That’s because they will need to be laid and as such, they can get a bit expensive. But if your mind is set on the small, porcelain, handmade tiles, be prepared to increase your budget. Some of the tiles that you want to check out are:

  • Square
  • Fish scale
  • Moroccan
  • Arabesque
  • Rectangular

The above tiles can be made in a variety of materials. If you want porcelain and stone for your kitchen floor, you’re in luck because there’s a wide selection to choose from. 

  1. Consider Durability

Kitchen renovations are a big investment. As such, durability is very crucial when choosing your kitchen tiles. Kitchens are the most used rooms in the house. That’s why you must pay careful consideration to how you use your space.

A lot of kitchen tiles are resilient. However, the space still requires some love and attention. Also, the longevity of each material differs. Thus, you must ensure that the floor tiles that you buy are intended for use as floor tiles. If you settle on a wall tile for the floor, the coefficient of friction will be too low, causing the tiles to be too slippery for walking.

Go for tiles that have a slight raised pattern or texture that allows for a safer kitchen floor. Such kinds of tiles are also a durable option. Remember that you need tiles that can handle the everyday wear and tear and still continue to look great. 

  1. Choose Easy-to-Clean Tiles

A lot of people choose certain tiles because they are easy to clean, which is an important factor. Cleanliness should always be on top of your mind since this is a space where you prepare, cook, and eat your meals.

If you don’t know how to identify easy-to-clean tiles, talk with a tile expert to help you out. They should help you to select tiles that won’t stain or crack easily.

Clay and limestone are great options that are fired to look like natural stone. Quarry tiles are more expensive compared to traditional ceramic. However, they’re quite striking in the right setting.

Note that some tiles will require you to have special cleaning solutions to clean. So read about some cleaning practices before making a decision.

  1. Tile and Grouting

Kitchen tiles that are of the right color and grout will help to bring together the best look and feel of your kitchen. So check to ensure that the tiles you’re interested in won’t date in a few years.

Tiles always come in different designs. However, color is an important factor that you must get right. You must be sure that the shade of your tiles works well with the cabinetry and the walls. You can also add paler colors to your floor tiles or wall tiles if you want more light in your kitchen design.

For a cozier and more sophisticated atmosphere, dark tiles will be more ideal. You can also choose between gloss tiles and matte tiles for your kitchen. Gloss tiles will reflect light better. So if your space is darker, add in the gloss floor tiles to enhance the light.

Although grout is usually forgotten, it plays an important role in kitchen designs. Grout color used to go well with the color of kitchen tiles. Today, however, it’s not unusual to find a kitchen with contrasting grout. Grout is a great choice if you want to show off the lines around the tiles and create a geometric-style floor. It adds a striking effect on floor tiles and backsplash. 


Shopping around for your kitchen tiles shouldn’t be a daunting task. You don’t even have to leave the comfort of your home to do it. You can easily find any information on different images. You can also order samples and have them delivered at home from where you’ll compare your selections.

Knowing when to shop will help in alleviating the stress of renovating your kitchen.