5 Secrets to Eating Disorder Recovery


Eating disorders come in many forms and afflict people of all ages, sizes, and backgrounds. Have a look at the Secrets to Eating Disorder Recovery here.

What was once its own dark secret that individuals and families tried to keep under wraps is now an issue we can discuss in an open forum. 

And it’s really only been in recent years that those who have an eating disorder have felt it is socially acceptable to publicly share the journey of their disease and recovery.

Thanks to their braveness, we have learned a lot about possible recovery avenues, including some that may surprise you. 

If you or someone close to you suffers from an eating disorder, please contact NEDA for professional and private help. For casual information, read on to learn the five secrets to eating disorder recovery.

1. Learn That Food Isn’t the Enemy

Anyone who has anorexia nervosa has a troubled relationship with food

They feel disgusted by the sight of food and afraid to consume it, usually due to a fear of gaining weight. 

While most people eat their meals without a second thought, people with anorexia think about food 24/7. How to avoid it, how to eat as little as possible when they have to, and how to make the experience less of a nightmare.

Food becomes the enemy, an obsession that must be controlled.

Recovering anorexics often undergo therapy, book a stay in rehab, and eventually consult with nutritionists. Along with adopting other attitudes (which we’ll discuss below), they learn that food is not the enemy. People can learn how to avoid anxiety eating and become healthier.

When you learn about nutrition and the proper ways to feed your body to maintain health without upsetting your weight goals, it can be a huge turning point on the road to recovery.

2. Accept Your Vulnerability

Having an eating disorder gives the afflicted individual a sense of control. They can decide what it is they eat, if they eat at all, when they eat, with whom, etc.

One of the most significant eating disorder recovery secrets is the ability to accept your vulnerability in life.

This can completely change the way you view yourself and your relationship to food. 

Accepting you’re vulnerable in the face of your disorder can help you relinquish the control you desire over food. It can put you on track to a more stable and healthier mindset that is necessary for recovery.

3. Make Mindful Decisions

It may be no secret that many people who recover from an eating disorder engage in activities, such as yoga and meditation, to help them recover.

But do you know why?

It’s all because of mindfulness. 

Both yoga and meditation take you out of your cluttered mind and allow you to breathe deeply and focus on the now.

They can help eliminate the anxiety that comes with eating disorders and eating disorder recovery.

4. Increase Your Appetite With Cannabis

Medical marijuana can be a tool in the eating disorder recovery process.

This is for several reasons. Cannabis is known to help you relax, which is helpful for those stressed by their recovery.

But mainly, cannabis can help stimulate your appetite. For someone whose eating disorder involves food avoidance, this can be incredibly useful as they recover.

Just be sure you use the right type and amount of cannabis should you choose this path.

5. Give Yourself the Power You Need to Recover

People recovering from an eating disorder may feel like they’re been suddenly thrown into a pit of chaos. 

They once felt like they held tremendous control over a significant aspect of their lives, which they’ve had to relinquish to recover.

But in actuality, one of the biggest secrets to eating disorder recovery is that the process is actually empowering.

You may have felt power over certain aspects of eating at the peak of your disorder, but in truth, you were powerless to your food obsession.

Now that you’re on the mend, it’s easier to see that you now have the power to push your disorder aside and embrace life again.


These are the secrets you’ll learn during eating disorder recovery.

But remember, the first step to recovery involves seeking professional help

You will not only recover but you will be able to see and experience life’s richness after.

Now that you’re on the mend, it’s easier to see that you now have the power to push your disorder aside and embrace life again.
If you are experiencing anything remotely similar to this condition, https://www.confidanthealth.com/ might be of help to you.