Ab Piano Chord-A Guide For Practitioner

ab piano chord

Ab Piano Chord-The Ab chord (sometimes written as A-flat) has a bright, almost perky sound, despite its “flat” moniker. That quality makes it a natural fit for building a soundscape within uptempo rock and pop songs. While that “flat” can be deceiving, the Ab chord also goes by another name: the G# (or G sharp) chord. The Ab Piano Chord also remarked as of the Ab Major Chord formed from three notes – Ab, C, and Eb.

The Ab Piano Chord Flat Major:


These scale notes are as follows: Ab – shot – C – unit – Eb – F – G. Ab is the introductory note or tonic (root) of the major scale. The shot is note and major second. And C it’s the third note of dimensions and the top third. Besides, the unit is a fourth note or the correct fourth. Again Eb is the fifth note or the correct fifth. And F is the sixth note or major sixth, then a flat musical mode. Also, G is the seventh note or the foremost seventh. And Ab, one octave higher is that the good eighth.

How to group Flat Major:


Likewise every major triad, this chord combines the premise, major third, and great fifth of the major scale. However, in varied words, you play notes, 1, 3, and 5 of the dimensions. These notes are – C – Eb. Play Ab, C Associate in Nursing Ebon, And that’s it. Thus associates in Nursing A-flat major chord.

Half Step Formula for Forming Ab Piano Chord Major:


There’s another formula for forming this, and each fully different major chord involves zero. It includes five steps. That formula is R + four + 3 HS (root and four zero.5 steps + 3 zero.5 steps). An interval is that the gap between a key that the key to its immediate right or left. However, as an Associate in the nursing example, E to F besides being |is besides an interval, and C to C sharp might be an interval. Create an Associate in Nursing, and A-flat major chord begins by locating the Ab key on your fingerboard.


Ab is that the key within the middle of the set of three black keys on your keyboard (or the second key within the set of three blacks keys). Presently that you’ve found Ab, merely move four zero. Five steps higher, or four keys to the proper, and you will arrive on C. After C, merely move three zero. Five steps higher, or three keys to C’s proper, and you will arrive on the key, Eb.

Flat Major Scale:


This scale consists of pitches A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. Its signature has four flats. The relative minor of A-flat major is F minor.

Modes of the Ab Piano Chord flat major scale:


  1. Ionian or Major: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, A
  2. Dorian: B, C, D, E, F, G, A, B
  3. Phrygian: C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C
  4. Lydian: D, E, F, G, A, B, C, D
  5. Mixolydian: E, F, G, A, B, C, D, E
  6. Aeolian/Natural minor scale: F, G, A, B, C, D, E, F
  7. Locrian: G, A, B, C, D, E, F, G

Construct Ab Piano Chord Major By Skipping Keys:


Another way to excogitate forming major chords, likewise A-flat on the piano, is skipping keys. Notice a flat, then skip three keys; the key once is C. Then skip a try of keys from C that the key right once is Eb.

Root Position:


Until now, we’ve confirmed the Ab major chord in its root position. We’ve got an inclination to tend to placed Ab at the bottom, C within the middle, and Eb at fully the higher of the chord (Ab – C – Eb). There are different routes throughout that to carry this chord, and they are named.



For the primary Inversion, the notes are within the order C – Eb – Ab. C is at the bottom, Eb within the middle, and Ab is fully the most effective.

The second Inversion of Ab major, Eb is at the bottom, C is within the middle, and Ab is fully the most effective. That provides the North Yankee nation the order, Eb – Ab – C.


Piano Fingering of Ab-Piano Chord Flat Major:


What concerning the fingering for this chord on the piano? What fingers play what keys? Firstly, the fingers of your right are number from one to five. Thus your thumb is finger one, an index is 2, the finger is 3, the finger is four, and the tiny (pinky) finger is finger 5.Again, in the root position, the fingering is 1 – 3 – 5. Thumb plays Ab, fingerplays C and tiny fingerplays Eb, for instance. For the primary Inversion, the fingering is one – a try of – 5. Thumb plays C, and index plays Eb, and tiny fingerplays Ab. The second Inversion of the Ab Maj chord and the fingering is 1 – 3 – 5. Thumb plays Eb, fingerplays Ab and tiny fingerplays C.

These piano fingerings are great for beginners, especially youngsters with small hands. But as you progress as a pianist, these fingerings vary. That is time and again because you’d need to add extra notes to the chord. Also, fingering depends on what chords precede and after also on what melody one is playing. I assume it’s all about taking things one step at a time. So let’s keep it simple and begin with the above foundation.


Ab Piano Chord Flat major diatonic scale Intervals:


  1. Tonic: the first note of the A-flat major diatonic scale is Ab.
  2. Major 2nd: The 2nd note of the scale is Bb.
  3. Major 3rd: The 3rd note of the size is C.
  4. Perfect 4th: The 4th note of the size is Db.
  5. Perfect 5th: The 5th note of size is Eb.
  6. Major 6th: The 6th note of the size is F.
  7. Major 7th: The 7th note is G.
  8. Perfect 8th: The 8th note is Ab.


Ab piano chord Scale Degrees:


  1. Ab is that the tonic of the A-flat major diatonic scale.
  2. Bb is that the supertonic of the A-flat major diatonic scale.
  3. C is that the mediant of the size.
  4. Db is that the subdominant of the size.
  5. Eb is that the dominant of size.
  6. F is that the submediant of the size.
  7. G is that the subtonic of the size.
  8. Ab is that the octave of the size.


Ab Piano Chord major diatonic scale Formula:


Usually, Major scales are combining tone and semitone intervals. And they support by the formula W-W-H-W-W-H. “W” stands for tone, and “H” stands for semitone. However, to count up an entire step (whole tone), count up by two physical piano keys, either white or black. And to count up a semitone (semitone), count up from the last note up by one physical piano key, either white or black.

By using this formula, let’s form the Ab major diatonic scale. Our starting note is Ab. From Ab, move up an entire step to Bb. Again from Bb, go up one tone to C. Next, we move up a semitone from C to Db. Then, we go up one tone from Db to Eb. From Eb, we move up an entire step to F. Next, and we move up one tone from F to G. Finally, we move up a semitone from G to Ab.


Flat major diatonic scale for Piano Fingering:


Notes: Ab, Bb, C, Db, Eb, F, G, Ab

  1. Fingerings (Left Hand): 3, 2, 1, 4, 3, 2, 1, 3
  2. Fingerings (Right Hand): 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3
  3. The finger numbers are as follows: Thumb: 1,

Index finger: 2, middle finger: 3, ring finger: 4, pinky (little) finger: 5.

Chords within the Key of Flat Major:


The triad chords during this scale or key and their notes:

  1. A-flat major consists of the notes, Ab – C – Eb.
  2. B flat minor consists of the notes, Bb – Db – F.
  3. C minor contains the notes, C – Eb – G.
  4. Db major contains the notes, Db – F – Ab.
  5. E flat major contains the notes, Eb – G – Bb.
  6. F minor consists of the notes, F – Ab – C.
  7. G diminished consists of the notes, G – Bb – Db.

The Key of Ab Piano Chord-G Sharp:


Usually, G sharp major uses equivalent chords and scale notes except that the notes and chords have different names. But due to notation difficulties caused by the necessity for a sharp, this key’s hardly used.

Firstly, let’s take a glance at the A flat major diatonic scale. The notes during this scale are Ab Bb C Db Eb F G.Moreover, the chords in Ab follow the pattern, Major Minor Minor Major Major Minor Diminished. It provides us the chords, Ab major, and Bb minor, C minor, Db major, Eb major, F minor, and G diminished. Once you add sevenths, the chords are Ab major seventh, Bb minor seventh, C minor seventh, Db major seventh, Eb dominant seventh, F minor seventh, G minor seventh flat five.


Common chord progressions within the key of flat major are as follows:


  1. IV – V (Ab – Db- Eb)
  2. VI – IV – V (Ab – Fm – Db – Eb)
  3. V – I (Bbm7 – Eb7 – Abmaj7).

Playing Associate Nursing chord in three fully different ways:


  1. Root Position – For example, sometimes this will be typically where the Ab note is that the chord’s bottom note.
  2. The first Inversion – sometimes this will be typically where the Ab note is that fully the most effective note of the chord.
  3. Second Inversion – And sometimes this will be typically where the Ab note is that the middle note of the chord.

Famous Ab Chord Songs:


However, each snip below picks a fairly simple arrangement – Block chords within the left that the correct melody. That also allows you to concentrate on learning the Ab chord and its inversions, too, whereas still enjoying one issue that sounds pretty smart. Firstly-try is to enjoy each example as written. But once you’re cozy, in addition to that, be happy to undertake each of the choices.


And if you got to check yourself-then try enjoying the melody lower on the piano. That belongs to beside your left than the chords higher on the piano beside your right. Truly that’s a hard exercise, but well, completely positively and worth the effort.

The first song we’ll examine is all of the yank states by John Legend. Therefore the arrangement below uses the Ab chord in the root position fully. Thus it’s an Associate in the exquisite nursing piece to begin out with it. Finally succeeding song snip is from nearer by the Chain smokers. However, this arrangement uses the Ab chord in the First Inversion. On the other hand, the final song we’ll take a glance at is an eclipse of the center by truthful Tyler. And this song uses the Ab chord in the second Inversion.




In the long run -once you get the hang of those examples, then have some fun with them. Also, practice the chords in several positions and different inversions. Moreover, listen to those you wish the best.