How Early Should I Get to the Airport Before a Flight?

Airport Before a Flight

Do you love to go on adventures every chance you get?

If so, join the club! After all, few experiences in life provide more opportunities for fun and discovery than traveling throughout the world. And the best way to get from place to place as quickly and efficiently as possible is air travel. But if you’re wondering “how early should I get to the airport to ensure that I don’t miss my flight?” you’ve come to the right place for useful travel information.

Here we take a look at tips to keep your travel experience as positive as possible, especially when it comes to navigating the airport. Keep reading to learn more.

Driving to the Airport

When contemplating how early to go to the airport, there are several factors to keep in mind. The first one is the drive to the airport. This is especially true if you have a lengthy drive or live in an area where you’ll have to deal with heavy traffic.

The key is to factor in how much time you’ll spend on the road between your home and the airport, then give yourself a bit of padding to avoid cutting things too close. Keep in mind that you might feel an extra crunch during heavy traffic hours.


The next major factor to consider is parking at the airport. Unless you feel extra lucky, you’d be wise to give yourself enough time to park and walk. Most airports offer some type of shuttle service, but you never know how quickly they’ll be able to deliver you to the arrivals area. The best strategy is to give yourself an extra 20 to 30 minutes for parking.

Checking Your Bags

Smart travelers understand the value of avoiding having to check their bags. But this isn’t always possible. Thus you should give yourself 10 to 15 minutes to reach the airline check-in desk and complete the process of getting your baggage tagged.

Going Through Security

You never know when the security line is going to move at glacial speed. So give yourself at least 15 to 20 minutes for this part of airport travel, depending on the airport and the time of day. 

Be sure to check out this guide to traveling from Punta Cana Airport to the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino.

Finding Your Gate

Your gate could be located all the way across the airport from security. That’s why you need to grant yourself enough time to find the gate before your flight starts loading.

So, overall, you’d be wise to arrive 2 to 3 hours early, especially in major cities with busy airports.

A Travel Guide to “How early should I get to the airport?”

It’s no secret that travel can be fun yet stressful. After all, no one wants to miss their flight. Fortunately, this guide to “how early should I get to the airport?” will help make your next air travel experience the best ever.

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