How to Pick a Trustworthy Writing Service

Pick Trustworthy Writing Service

The battle around online paper writing services is on the rise: professors are determined to ban the greatest of evils, while students, overwhelmed with piles of essays they have to churn out, see their last and only salvation in the writing fairies beyond the screens. Here is How to Pick a Trustworthy Writing Service.

The reality is that students need writing assistants to handle all that amount of work that comes with college. It might be the reason why many online services have grown and blossomed for the last couple of years. From quickies they were some ten years ago, they’ve transformed into full-fledged businesses with well-established rules and policies, guarantees, set rates, and hundreds of satisfied clients. At least, it is how today of trustworthy writing companies look like. 

Yet, there are too many fraudulent writers and firms on the internet luring inexperienced customers with loud words and sub-market rates. Rather than giving up an opportunity to offload some work, it is better to learn to distinguish good contractors from bad ones. 

Here are the criteria to keep in the forefront of your mind when choosing a writing service:

Don’t Chase The Low Rates

You’ve probably heard about the “either quality or cheap” rule. While most good writing services are quite affordable, with some being slightly cheaper than others, it’s worth considering why a service might have lower than market rates. They might be mediocre writers or even sell the same essays several times – in any case, this is the reason for concern. 

Most likely, such an experience will be as valuable as throwing your money out of the window. When the price is the only hook you can use, the output and communication are usually poor. So, if you value your time and your finances, don’t catch this bait.

Examine the List of Assignments They Deal With

First of all, this is important because they simply may offer many other services but yours. So, you want to clarify it before placing your order.

Moreover, some projects are more difficult than others. For example, dissertation or speech writing requires more expertise and if they offer such services, it might be a sign that they have well-versed writers and take their job seriously.

On the other hand, there is too much deception and empty words on the internet. That’s why this rule should be applied in a complex, together with the other criteria from this list.

Check their Communication from the Start

If you have been waiting several days for the answer, be confident they will ditch you once the problem occurs. 

At the very beginning, it is important to make sure that you can contact someone responsible for your project. You might recall some important details or have additional requirements. Finally, you may want to check if your writing assignment will be done in time – just to calm down your inner alarmist. And if your money is not a good reason to ensure prompt and stable communication, then what is? Turn tail and run away!

Look For A 24/7 Customer Service

Do they have around-the-clock customer support? If not, probably you should find someone else. Writing assignments usually have strict deadlines, while stressed students a habit to put up everything for later. If you are about to blow the delivery date, there is no point in waiting until they answer you somewhere next month. 

Besides, it is a good example of how they treat their responsibilities. If they are not ready to be there for their clients, maybe you, as a client, shouldn’t be there for them either.

Make Sure They Offer Free Revisions

As a customer, you do have the right to expect a flawless result – after all, you pay for the job, so you make the rules. However, in practice there is always something to perfect; therefore, how they manage such issues is what distinguishes good services from frauds. 

When writers offer free revisions, they have their interest to do well on the first try. In case they don’t, they will bring the output to the level that meets their customers’ expectations to have them come back.

If the service doesn’t offer free revision, they aim to rob your blind. A cheaper writing help will cost you three times as high due to constant paid revisions. So, if their policy is not clear about it, don’t waste your time.

Review Their Guarantees

Simple as it may look at first, ordering, writing, and delivering a paper is a complicated process that involves many details in the business-and-client relationships. And every decent writing service has a guarantee section where they cover their policy as to how they act in different complicated situations. 

The first thing to check is who has the rights to the copy you pay for. While you may think that it’s obvious and you own the paper, it might have been sold and resold several times by now. A good writing service would specify it in their policy, so if you don’t see it on their website, this service is not one of them. 

Also, you may want to check their delivery terms and refund rules. Although we always hope for long-term cooperation, sometimes it’s just not meant to be and you have to continue searching. And if this is the case, you’d like to have your money back. 

Check Their Plagiarism Policy Ahead of Time

With so much information online, it gets harder and harder to produce unique papers and essays. That’s why reputable writing services have an arsenal of plagiarism-check programs and software to make sure they deliver unique papers. Normally, you can see their plagiarism-free guarantees in the policy section, which is always a must to check out.

That said, if a service doesn’t explain their position as to plagiarism, most likely they go the easiest way and copy someone else’s thoughts.

Therefore, be attentive when entrusting your academic success to a writing service as only your inner instincts can protect you from frauds.