I Already Have Ideas for My New Year’s Resolutions!


Toward the end of the year, most people start to think of aspirations for the New Year. Instead of letting your year pass you by without purpose, why not set a few important goals?

As high as people’s expectations may be, it can be difficult not to fall short of your hopes. That’s why, over time, I’ve learned that the best resolutions are realistically attainable, and inspire you to work toward making your dreams a reality. This year, rather than writing out a generic list of resolutions, I’ve decided to come up with a host of specific goals that I know I can complete!

Finally Starting My Dream Business

I’ve always wanted to create a business of my own but have never known how to start. What I do know, however, is that I would love to do something I’m passionate about. So, I’ve decided that, in 2023, I’ll dedicate time to figuring out a plan!

To get started, I’ll settle on an idea. Then, I’ll look closely at what similar businesses are doing and put my own unique spin on it. Once that’s done, I can start promotion, make a logo, and register as an LLC. It’s a lot of work, but nothing good comes without some serious effort!

Of course, I don’t expect to have a fully running business by the end of the year, but at the very least, I expect to have a few dedicated customers. Things can only go up from there!

Taking Piano Lessons to Learn My Favorite Songs

I’ve always wanted to learn the piano, but never found the time to pursue my musical dreams. This year, I’m determined to change that!

I already know a few music basics because I took classes in high school, but in 2023, I’m going to take serious piano lessons and learn how to play the songs I love. Of course, I’d love to have a grand piano in my home, but for now, I think a regular keyboard will do.

By the end of the year, I’d like to master Chopsticks and a few other simple songs. If things go well, maybe I’ll even learn Beethoven’s Für Elise!

Renewing My Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is one of the most important traits a person can have! It not only helps us accomplish our goals but empowers us to meet new people and forge lasting connections. When I was younger, I was shy and introverted, but as I grew, I started to come out of my shell. Nowadays, I feel much happier in my own skin than I did when I was a kid!

Still, in recent years, I’ve noticed some changes in the mirror that are too hard to ignore. My face has lots of lines and wrinkles, and my skin tone is more uneven than it used to be. So, I’ve decided that, in 2023, I’ll consult with a plastic surgeon and see what a facelift can do for me. I’ve heard the procedure can turn back the clock by 10 years and give me a rejuvenated glow!

I can’t wait to work on my self-confidence. I really think that this year will be the beginning of a wonderfully positive transformation!

Relieving the Year’s Stresses with a Tropical Vacation

2022 has been a stressful year. Because of the pandemic’s lasting effects, I wasn’t able to take a proper vacation—I had to work harder than ever to make up for lost time. That’s why I’ve decided to take some time for myself in 2023 and go on vacation somewhere warm and relaxing. Hawaii in particular seems like a wonderful destination. I’d love to visit the island of Oahu and see the famous Waikiki Beach. Oh, all of the adventures that await me!

These are my resolutions for 2023. I’m absolutely sure that they’ll be achievable if I work hard—nothing is impossible! What are your resolutions for the coming year?