
Many international schools operate in a completely different way than their local counterparts. These schools often employ faculty from abroad and have their own curricula and teaching methods. In spite of this students always can get cengage WebAssign answers for their assignments. They also cater to the local expatriate community and students who are planning to study at a university abroad. International schools are also given an air of exclusivity and mystery by their relatively high admission fees when compared to the cost of public or local schools.

International schools are often misunderstood and distorted because of their isolated location from the local community. It can be difficult to verify the truth of many of these myths, which have been around for so long. International students should have strong character and try not to pay attention to “cliches”. It is important to get past the false beliefs and find accurate information about international education, especially for families trying to decide if their child would benefit from attending international schools.

This article will dispel some of the most common misconceptions regarding international schools.

Luxurious Facilities make up the bulk of costs

Many believe that international school fees are high because of the cost of building and maintaining expensive facilities. Although international schools all over the globe can indeed boast exceptional facilities, including studios, auditoriums, swimming pools, and athletic tracks, most institutions will tell students that this is not the cause of the high fees.

Many schools spend less on their facilities than they do to pay for expatriate teachers. Many international schools place a high priority on retaining and hiring the best staff, learning programms etc. Schools are responsible for paying teachers’ medical insurance, relocation expenses, staff benefits, education fees, and any other financial costs. Parents pay the bulk of these costs as tuition costs.

Students in International Schools Come From Wealthy Families

Due to the high cost of international education in many countries, there is a myth that most international school students are part of the elite social and economic class. Many people have preconceived notions that these students are “spoiled rich children”. There are also related presumptions about the lack of rigor and predominance of “party culture” at international schools.

However, the truth is that international schools have become increasingly popular at various price points around the globe in recent years. For example, international education costs in Singapore can be quite high. They range from SGD 7,500 to SGD 50,000 per annum at the higher secondary level. Many institutions offer scholarships for both local and international students. Also, sometimes such schools offer grand for children, so they have opportunity to study without any fees. This opportunity is often overlooked and not even noticed by many.

It is often true that international schools offer financial aid to students who are less fortunate than most people believe. International schools are more diverse than most people think when they consider international school communities.

Bullying is a major problem

Many people assume that bullying is encouraged by international schools because of the large student population and their multiculturalism. Most international schools have strict zero-bullying policies. These policies include clear and well-defined steps to navigate bullying cases quickly and consistently with compassion for all. 

Many international schools place safety and well-being at the top of their priorities list. Schools invest significant amounts of time and money in teaching students how to resolve conflicts and build emotional resilience. Parents will be advised on how to intervene in bullying situations and what to do if they are needed.

International Education Embraces Native Culture

Parents who live far from their home country may be concerned that their child might feel disconnected from their culture by attending an international school. Many expatriates who are not English-speaking from other countries worry that their child’s ability to grasp the language of their native country may be diminished by going to international schools. 

However, most international schools recognize the importance of cultural diversity and take pride in their multicultural student body. International students should leran more than others. It is  important to understand verbal language of different nations and other languages.  These values will be reflected in the educational content and pedagogy of most institutions to help students become well-rounded global citizens. For example, many schools require that students learn a second language to be able to communicate effectively in English.

Parents who are relocating to another country and those with ambitions of sending their children overseas for university might want to consider international education. It is important to remove all misunderstandings and biases in these situations to gain a better understanding of international schools and the benefits they offer. Also, it is important to have everyday calls and discussing feelings of each others. You’ll then be able to determine if an international school is the right fit for your child.