Resort Collections 2018


Resort Collections 2018
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[tab title=”EN”]The Dior runway took place in California, the inspiration of this collection were the mountains of santa Mónica, the natural reserve and the California desert. You can see all of this on the designs, bohemian looks, like Coachella style, the emblem of California.

[tab title=”ES”]La pasarela de Dior tomo lugar en California, la inspiración de esta colección fue las montañas de Santa Mónica, la reserva natural y el desierto de California. Todo esto se ve reflejado en los diseños, looks muy bohemios estilo Coachella, la insignia de California.

[tab title=”IT”]La sfilata resort di Dior è stata presentata in California, l’ispirazione per questa collezione sono state le montagne di Santa Monica, la riserva naturale e il deserto della California. Tutto ciò si è visto rifletto nelle scelte stilistiche, i look bohemien stile Coachella, emblema della California.
Resort Collections 2018
[tab title=”EN”]Hip hop meets Valentino… The hip hop culture was indeed the inspiration for the 2018 resort collection. Seen on the runway ready-to-wear urban looks, with a street style allure. The runway took place in Nyc where the hip hop revolution was born. This was one of the coolest Resort Collections 2018.

[tab title=”ES”]El hip hop conoce a Valentino… Esa fue la inspiración de la colección 2018 resort. Se vieron muchisimos looks urbanos listos para el street style, el resultado de esta colección es simplemente increíble. Claro la pasarela tomo lugar en NY, cuna de la revolución del hip hop.

[tab title=”IT”]Hip hop meets Valentino. Proprio a cultura hip hop è stata l’ispirazione della collezione resort 2018. Sulla passerella abbiamo visto sfilare outfit ready to wear, con un allure urbana e streetstyle. La sfilata è stata presentata in Nyc, dove iniziò la hip hop revolution.

Resort Collections 2018

[tab title=”EN”]Chanel resort collection took back to life ancient Greece. The maison always knows how to take inspiration from the past translating it into modernity. The resort collection was incredibly beautiful and interesting, starting from the classic Chanel tweed which was reinterpreted into chic togas, but also a lot of neutral colors and gold. The Chanel spirit was definitely spotted on the runway.

[tab title=”ES”]Chanel toma a la antigua Grecia de regreso… Chanel sabe exactamente cómo trasladar la antigüedad en algo moderno. La colección resort es increíble y hermosa, podemos ver el tweed clásico de Chanel convertido en togas súper chic, tambien se vieron muchos colores neutros y dorados. La colección tiene muchísimo del espíritu de Chanel.

[tab title=”IT”]La collezione resort di Chanel ha riportato in vita l’antica Grecia. La maison sa sempre come prendere ispirazione dal passato trasformandola in modernità. Questa collezione è interessante per vari motivi, iniziando dalle toghe chic nel classico tweed Chanel, all’abbinamento di colori.

Resort Collections 2018

[tab title=”EN”]Kyoto’s Miho museum in Japan was the venue for Louis Vuitton‘s resort runway… The collection was a mixture of classic Japan’s native motifs and Kabuki makeup. Designer Kansai Yamamoto worked with the brand for the creation of some of these pieces.

[tab title=”ES”]El Museo Miho en Kyoto fue el anfitrión de la pasarela resort de Louis Vuitton. La colección es una mezcla de motivos clásicos japoneses y maquillaje Kabuki. El diseñador Kansai Yamamoto colaboró en algunos diseños de esta colección.

[tab title=”IT”]Il museo Miho a Kyoto è stata la location scelta da Luis Vuitton per la sua collezione resort. Questa collezione era un mix di motivi giapponesi e make up Kabuki. Il designer Kansai Yamamoto ha collaborato nella creazione di alcuni look.