Things That you Can Do to Reconnect with Nature


Ever get the feeling you’re disconnected with nature? Many people live in cities, inside small concrete boxes and over the period of a week, they rarely see nature, let alone enjoy it. In our long and colourful history, we have never before been in an environment that excludes nature and this can have a serious impact on our overall health.

If this resonates with you, here are a few lifestyle changes that you can make to bring you back to Mother Nature.

  • Organise outdoor picnics – There are some stunning parks and green areas in Australia; pack your picnic blanket and hamper and experience the wonders of nature. Leave your digital device at home, which isn’t the end of the world and just being around nature will leave you refreshed.
  • Get a mountain bike – There’s no better way to enjoy the great outdoors than investing in a mountain bike; explore the countryside around your home and get some much-needed fresh air. National Parks and trails through the wilderness are all accessible on a mountain bike. Use the web to plan your expeditions and you’ll find you’ll feel healthier.
  • Invest in indoor plants – Why not bring nature into your home by visiting your nearest nursery? Being around plants has a soothing influence and you should notice that within a few days. As well as indoor plants, you can get some scented candles which elevate your mood and think about using incense sticks. Click here for how to eat a healthy diet.
  • Take up fishing – Even if you don’t catch anything, spending a few hours on the water is refreshing and many people say that fishing grounds them in nature. If you have a few friends that like to fish, talk to them about joining up for a fishing expedition and you won’t regret it.
  • Go for nature hikes – A 2-hour walk through a nearby forest is more than a little invigorating and rather than simply walking, stop now and then and listen to the wonderful sounds that nature makes. If you’ve been having a hard time at work, drop everything and drive to your nearest wildlife area and start walking.
  • Minimise digital device time – Of course, you need to be online for work, but outside of that, do you really need to spend so much time on Facebook and Twitter? We all spend too much time online, time that could be spend enjoying the wonders of nature. If you have kids, set a good example by turning off your smartphone when you get home from work. 
  • Go camping during the holidays – Camping is an activity like no other and a few days living under the stars is just what the doctor ordered; search online for camping gear and order the stuff you don’t already have. Not only is camping enjoyable it is also a cheap way to holiday.

So, there you have it, a few ideas on how to bring nature back into your life and we hope that 2023 sees your health & well-being improve.