Tungsten Grinder Products and Industry Leading Suppliers

Tungsten Grinder Products

In this article, we will discuss what tungsten grinder products are, what they are used for, and the industry-leading suppliers of these products. 

What are Tungsten Grinders?

These machines are used for TIG and plasma arc welding. They provide safe and precise tungsten grinding which can be used in the weld shop, job site, laboratory, etc. With tungsten grinders, you can enhance your efficiency as well as safety. With these pieces of equipment, the use of tungsten is reduced thereby saving you cost. They are valuable investments required for any weld shop.    


The following are the types of this equipment:

  • Wet/Liquid
  • Handheld/Portable
  • Benchtop

1. Wet/Liquid

This equipment makes use of grinding diamond liquid that allows it to create a clean finish that yields less tungsten electrode waste  

2. Handheld/Portable

The handheld or portable grinder is just what its name implies. This product can be held by hand and is small enough that it can be carried to the worksite. Despite its portability, some of them have fast motor speed that allows them to execute the work without issues. 

To allow it function as a portable device, some of these devices are cordless. Hence, you don’t need to start looking for an electric outlet to connect them to.

3. Bench Top

A benchtop grinder is not portable; hence, it is stationed on a bench. They are usually more powerful than the already discussed types. Therefore, heavy-duty tasks should be carried out using this equipment.

Why do you need this Equipment

The following are the reasons why you need this piece of equipment in your weld shop:

1. Enhances Arc Control

With well-sharpened tungsten using a grinder, you will get a fine grind that ensures enhanced arc control with a cleaner weld. 

2. Prevents Contamination and Porosity 

When the tungsten is contaminated, the result is porous weak welds. Click here to read more about tungsten. This is usually what happens when a sander or stone grinder is used as it causes the tip to get impure and contaminated. However, with the use of a tungsten grinder, the possibility of such contamination is eliminated. 

3. Enhances Arc Stability 

Not only does a good grinder enhance arc control, but it also enhances arc stability. 

4. Removes Excuses

By this we mean you won’t have any excuse why you can’t carry out a job that is far away from your weld shop. This is possible though if you are making use of the portable type of this equipment.

5. Prevents Arc Wander 

 The outside corner with the arc wander that usually happens with a sander or stone grinder is prevented.

Leading Brands/Suppliers

Several brands can be considered as leading suppliers of this product. We will just list a few of them below:

  • Techsouth PowerPoint
  • Milwaukee
  • Proxxon
  • Arc-Zone
  • SD & DX
  • Turbo Sharp
  • Sharpie
  • CK Worldwide
  • Piranha II
  • Inelco
  • UltimaTIG
  • Neutra

What is TIG?

Now that we have discussed what tungsten grinders are, the types, why you need one, and the leading brands, it is time to talk about what TIG is. 

TIG is an acronym for Tungsten Inert Gas welding or Gas Tungsten Arc Welding is a process of arc welding that creates the weld using a tungsten electrode that is non-consumable.

This process became very successful during the 1940s when it was used to join aluminum and magnesium. The weld pool is protected with the aid of an inert gas shield rather than a slag. This made this process more than a worthy replacement for manual metal arc and gas welding. Hence, many have come to accept aluminum for structural and top-quality welding.

Characteristics of the Process 

The formed arc during this process is created between the workpiece and a sharpened tungsten electrode. This must be done within an inert gas environment of either helium or argon. The arc which is created by the sharpened electrode is perfect for top quality and accurate welding. 

One thing the welder won’t have to worry about is balancing the input heat that is created by the arc because the electrode itself does not get used up. The filler metal when needed must be placed in the weld pool separately.

Required Power Source

The power source required for this process must be constant ad can be gotten from either AC or DC. The reason the current must be constant is to prevent the electrode from being short-circuited. 

When AC power is used, it should be for materials that have a firm film of surface oxide. An example of such a material is aluminum. DC, on the other hand, is recommended for all other kinds of welding. 

Required Electrodes 

The DC electrodes used are usually pure tungsten and one that has 1% – 4% thoria for enhancing arc ignition. Sometimes, cerium oxide and lanthanum oxide are added to the electrode to enhance the performance. 

The AC electrode will be operated using a higher temperature. The additive used for this is usually zirconia which aids in the reduction of electrode erosion. 

Applications of TIG

This process has been applied in several industries and it is best for high-quality welding. When it comes to manual welding, a small arc is best for a thin material. Visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48I3Su5iQFw to watch the various ways you can grind tungsten for TIG welding. It can also be used for controlled penetration. 

TIG is used in mechanized systems using filler wire or autogenously. Orbital pipe welding can be carried out using some type of system gotten from off the shelf. Orbital welding is then used to manufacture boilers or chemical plants. Such systems do not need manipulative skill; however, whosoever will operate the machine must have to be properly trained. 

Edge preparation, combined fit-up, and welding control must be attended to carefully since the operator’s weld pool behavior and arc control are minimal. 


Tungsten grinders are important tools when it comes to welding. Their ability to create precise and smooth arcs makes them a very valuable investment. There are different types of this product which include handheld, liquid, and benchtop grinders.